Index of Best Practices#
The following table lists the best practices and indicated if they have actions associated with them for each maturity level and if they are a priority action (“Priority”) for each maturity level.
“Priority” means you should focus on that best practice before other best practices.
“In Scope” means you should complete that best practice.
“Out of Scope” means the best practice doesn’t apply to you.
For more details on maturities in this Guide, see the maturities descriptions.
To learn how to determine the maturity at which your organization operates, see the maturity determination guide.
CIS’s Community Defense Model drives the ordering of these best practices. We encourage you to follow this order, but every organization is different, so make adjustments as necessary.
For a better understanding of how these priorities were determined and for a better understanding of how to start implementing these best practices, see the prioritized best practices for the Level 1 maturity and Level 2 and Level 3 maturities.
You can use this table as a checklist to help track your progress.
✓ |
Best Practice |
Maturity Priorities |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
Priority |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
Out of Scope |
Out of Scope |
In scope |
Out of Scope |
Out of Scope |
In scope |
In scope |
Priority |
Priority |
In scope |
Priority |
Priority |
In scope |
Priority |
Priority |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
Out of Scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |
In scope |